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International Education Professional & Citizen Diplomat   

MPA & MA International Education Management: 

Middlebury Institute of International Studies


一期一会。Ichi-go ichi-e, “One time, one meeting,” is a Japanese proverb integral to my personal and professional approach to life. As an international education professional with a long-standing passion in citizen diplomacy and cross-cultural communication, I believe that education is more than the acquisition of knowledge; the trusting relationships built between students and administrators alike is tantamount to the classroom experience. From first-hand experience, these relationships can change a life.



Having worked in Japan and United States with international students, I have come to understand the power of一期一会. This synergistic phenomena can bring about peace and harmony among bitter rivals and overturn longstanding stereotypes. By promoting mutual understanding through education and citizen diplomacy, I hope to do my part in creating a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Where I Have Been:

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Summary of Skills and Experiences :

Kinkakuji, Kyoto, Japan. August 9, 2011

MPA & International Education Candidate, 2016:

High Level of Intercultural Compentcies:

Once a Teacher, Always an Educator

Committment to Service and Volunteerism:

- 4 years of education, martketing and service experience including 2 years as International Coordinator in at Brandeis University; 

- 2 years of educational instruction aboard in Japan (Via the JET Program).

- Led consultation projects for VIA, the Oakland-Fukuoka Sister-City Association and the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership

- 3 years experience serving on leadership board (2 years as Membership/Marketing Coordinator, 1 year as President);

- Organized adult English conversation classes, acted as Teaching Assistant in adult basic education program, coached basketball, Tutored first generation Americans

- Was only native English speaker in 8 offices with over 500 employees in Japan;

-Facilitated 10 projects with the US Department of State, working with professionals from 35 countries

- Developed workshop on cultural differences before delegates trip to sister-city. 

- Designed cultural orientation program for student exchange program 

- Master of Public Administration & Master of Arts in International Education Management Dual Degree canidate at Middlebury Institute of International Studies; 

-Certificate completed in International Development and Social Innovation

- Language of study: Japanese

- GPA: 4.0/4.0


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